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Drug Ingredients

Page history last edited by Skye 8 years, 5 months ago

Drug Ingredients



ChemIDPlus provides access to the structure and nomenclature authority files used to identify over 400,000 chemical substances cited in National Library of Medicine databases. Record information includes substance definitions, classification codes, names & synonyms, registry numbers, structure descriptors, toxicity, physical properties, and links to resources. ChemIDPlus is part of the the ToxNet Data Network and has a Lite and an Advanced search interface.


DailyMed: About DailyMed

DailyMed provides access to package inserts and labels for over-the-counter, herbal, and prescription drugs. Labels on DailyMed may not be identical to approved labels nor the labels on currently distributed products. DailyMed is provided by the United States National Library of Medicine. Search by drug name, NDC code, or drug class to locate the package insert.


Dietary Supplements Labels Database


Dietary Supplement Label Database (DSLD) is a joint project of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) and National Library of Medicine (NLM). The DSLD contains information found on manufacturers’ labels from dietary supplement products marketed in the U.S. DSLD currently contains over 50,000 labels and is expected to eventually include most dietary supplement products sold to American consumers. The database can be browsed by active ingredients, product names, or manufacturers (contacts). Label information for products no longer on the market can also be searched by checking the box before DSLD Off Market, which can be found on the Advanced Search page.



Browse or search for United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved prescription and over-the-counter human drugs and therapeutic biologicals currently approved for sale in the United States. The site includes discontinued drugs and "Chemical Type 6" approvals. Contents for each drug include active ingredients; dosage form or route of administration; strength; marketing status; company that sponsored application for approval; FDA action date; and approval type. Many, but not all drug products have links to current FDA approved labels; older labels; approval letters; reviews; and patient information. In addition, new drug applications (NDA) and biologic license applications (BLA) can be listed.


Electronic Medicines Compendium (eMC)
Up to date, easily accessible information about most of the licensed medicines available for use in the United Kingdom (UK). Contains summaries of product characteristics for use by health care professionals as well as patient information leaflets. Maintained by a nonprofit organization funded by UK pharmaceutical companies. Search by drug name or manufacturer name.


Health Canada Drug Product Database (DPD)


The Drug Product Database (DPD), a service from Health Canada, contains product-specific information on drugs approved for use in humans and veterinary applications in Canada. It contains approximately 15,000 products which companies have notified Health Canada as being marketed. Drug monographs provided by the manufacturers include information for professionals and consumers including Drug Statuses, Drug Identification Number (DIN), Company name, Strength, Therapeutic Classification (AHFS and ATC), scientific and pharmaceutical information, excipients, labels for the marketed product, etc. Search by drug name or active ingredient.


Licensed Natural Health Products Database (LNHPD) - Health Canada

Contains information about natural health products (dietary supplements, herbal medicines, traditional medicines, homeopathic remedies, etc.) that have been issued a product licence by Health Canada. Products with a licence have been assessed by Health Canada and found to be safe, effective and of high quality under their recommended conditions of use. Search by product name, ingredient name, or use (indication). Information is also available in French.


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