Poisoning and Toxicology Resources
DART- Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Database
This free database is hosted by the U.S. National Library of Medicine covering teratology and other aspects of developmental and reproductive toxicology with references dating back to the 1900s. Some meeting abstracts and non-Medline literature were historically included in DART, but new citations come only from PubMed. DART uses a search profile to retrieve citations from PubMed. It has a mobile friendly site. Search results are displayed in relevancy ranked order, but may be sorted by publication date, author, title, or entry month..
Drug Information Portal - U.S. National Library of Medicine - Quick Access to Quality Drug Information
This site is a true portal: search for a prescription, over-the-counter, herbal, or nutraceutical name and the site will provide links to additional information from a variety of United States-government-produced websites. Includes links to research articles, drug monographs, labels, and more. Can also be searched by drug category.
Hazardous Substances Database Bank (HSDB)
Comprehensive, peer-reviewed toxicology data for about 5,000 commonly used or encountered chemicals. Produced and hosted by the United States National Library of Medicine. Search by chemical name, chemical type (e.g. "antifreeze"), Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS) Registry number, or subject term.
International Toxicity Estimates for Risk (ITER)
ITER gathers and makes available toxicological risk information on over 600 chemicals and drugs. Data is gathered from the United States, Canada, France, The Netherlands, the World Health Organization, and other major groups. The United States National Library of Medicine hosts ITER. Search by chemical name or Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS) number to view tabular risk comparisons for the specified chemical across international sources of data. "Other Files" tab leads to related records from associated databases.
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