
Mobile Devices

Page history last edited by Skye 8 years, 10 months ago

Mobile Device Resources


Epocrates Rx Free

This site includes drug information as well as information on diseases and diagnostic tests. Only the drug information is available freely after registration. Brief, professionally-focused monographs of frequently used prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Includes interactions checker and pill ID. View information online or download onto a mobile device. Requires free registration to view or download.


GoodRX- Prescription drug prices at local and online pharmacies

Search GoodRX by drug name and location to view and compare prices. GoodRX gathers price data from United States pharmacies, insurance companies, and consumers. The site also includes printable coupons (provided by drug manufacturers, pharmacies, and other groups) to permit consumers to save even more money on prescriptions. GoodRx app for iPhone, iPad or Android smartphone is available free via Apple Store or Google Play.


Herbs at a Glance

Provides fact sheets about 50 frequently used herbs, including common and Latin names, how they are used medicinally, side effects and cautions, and summaries of and citations to research on the topic. The Herbs at a Glance fact sheet can be downloaded as an ebook in ePub and Kindle format.


HIV Drug Interactions
This site is supported by the University of Liverpool and sponsored by a variety of professional organizations. It includes charts of interactions for anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) drugs with common prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, herbs and vitamin preparations, and street drugs. Also includes brief fact sheets with pharmacokinetic and metabolic data on anti-HIV drugs. A free app for mobile devices, HIV iChart, is Available for Apple (via iTunes) and Android (via Google Play).


Medication Guide app from Drugs.com

Drugs.com provides one free information app, "Medication Guide," available for Android and iOS. It includes brief facts about prescription and over-the-counter drugs, a pill identifier, an interactions checker (oral forms only), a side effects search, pricing info, and the ability to create a personalized list of drugs. Drugs.com also offers several other paid apps.


Medscape Reference: Drugs, Diseases & Procedures

Medscape Reference includes monographs for over-the-counter and prescription drugs, and a limited number of vitamins and herbal preparations. Includes a drug interaction checker. Requires free registration to view. Search by generic or brand name.


Skyscape Mobile Medical Resources


Register and download Skyscape Rx™ onto your mobile device (iOS, Android) and access several resources, including Rx Comprehensive Drug Guide, Clinical Consult, Calculator and Medbeats. This app provides access to informative monographs with indications, dosage, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and comparative pricing information for thousands of commonly prescribed brand and generic drugs used in the U.S. and Canada. It also includes nearly 400 integrated weight-based drug dosing calculators. 

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